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Contributing - Getting Started

The primary function of the service script is to acquire and scrape metadata information, as well as construct arrays of Tile URLs to be downloaded later.

These are the fundamental steps in integrating a service into sv_dlp. It is strongly suggested to study the scripts of the pre-written services to gain a comprehensive understanding of their functioning.

Required Classes/Functions

  • urls Used for building single URLs. Useful for loops.

    • _build_tile_url(pano_id, zoom=3, x=0, y=0)
    • _build_metadata_url(pano_id=None, lat=None, lng=None, mode="pano/ll")
    • _build_short_url(pano_id, heading=0, pitch=0, zoom=90))
  • misc Miscellaneous features, mostly for:

    • get_pano_from_url(url)
    • short_url(pano_id, heading=0, pitch=0, zoom=90))

    Although cool to have, some services don't fully support it. If that is the case or want to implement it later, raise

  • metadata

    • get_metadata(pano_id=None, lat=None, lng=None, get_linked_panos=False)
    • _parse_panorama(md, raw_md, output="")
    • _get_raw_metadata(pano_id)
    • _get_pano_from_coords(lat, lng)
    • get_gen(metadata/image_size/etc) Obligatory to include; raise raise if metadata doesn't included info about gen.

Building Metadata

  • .urls._build_metadata_url
  • .metadata.get_metadata
  • .metadata.get_raw_metadata
  • .get_pano_from_coords.
  • _parse_panorama(md, raw_md, output="")

sv_dlp's metadata structure is vastly dissimilar than the choosen service's raw_metadata; designed with compatibility in mind, it allows developers to tinker with the data no matter the service picked.

sv_dlp's metadata is returned as a MetadataStructure object, providing the developer a more struictured and organized way to handle and manipualte metadata information by the means of attributes. An example of metadata in the form of a MetadataStructure object is:

metadata = MetadataStructure(
    timeline=[{'pano_id': 'pano_id', 'date': datetime.datetime()}], 
    linked_panos={{'pano_id': pano_id, 'lat': lat, 'lng': lng, 'date': datetime.datetime()}}, 

Additionally, the .dict() method returns the attributes of each instance of the MetadataStructure class in the form of a dictionary, allowing for easy access and manipulation of the metadata information.

An example of sv_dlp's metadata in the form of a dictionary is the one below:

metadata = {
    "service": service,
    "pano_id": raw_md['pano_id']
        If raw metadata returns two key IDs (which are necessary for a download), 
        a list must be allocated inside of it like this:
            "pano_id": pano_id, 
            "image_id": image_id
    "lat": raw_md['coordinates']['lat'],
    "lng": raw_md['coordinates']['lng'],
    "date": date # must be returned as a datetime object,
    "size": [raw_md['image']['width'], raw_md['image']['height']],
    "max_zoom": len(raw_md['image']['zooms']) - 1,
    "misc": { # only use with exclusive service features
        "gen": gen,
    "timeline": {
        [{'pano_id'}: pano_id, "date": date}],
        [{'pano_id'}: pano_id, "date": date}],
        [{'pano_id'}: pano_id, "date": date}],
        # and so on...
    "linked_panos": {
        Only if get_linked_panos is set to true
        [{'pano_id'}: pano_id, "date": date, "lat": lat, "lng" lng}],
        [{'pano_id'}: pano_id, "date": date, "lat": lat, "lng" lng}],
        [{'pano_id'}: pano_id, "date": date, "lat": lat, "lng" lng}],
        # and so on... 

In order to begin extracting the metadata, raw_metadata initiates a call to the appropriate API obtained from urls._build_metadata_url. If coordinates are parsed, get_pano_from_coords is first called to obtain the correct Panorama ID.

However, this may vary depending on the service being worked on; some services only get raw_metadata from Panorama ID, while others with coordinates. To avoid any confusion, it is highly recommended to raise or

If raw_metadata contains data related to timeline or linked_panos, _parse_panorama can be used in a for in loop to correctly parse each panorama within its respective segment (timeline or linked_panos).

Building array of Tiles URLs

  • .urls._build_tile_url
  • .build_tile_arr

When metadata is parsed, sv_dlp executes the _build_tile_arr function, which creates an array of all tiles based on the pano_id foudn in the given metadata; each tile is done individually using the _build_tile_url function found in the urls class.

In the array, each column and row represents its x and y position respectfully on the panorama, such as the one shown below.

Column/Row Array - Credit to GeeksforGeeks

After building the array, a ThreadPoolExecutor (multi-threading) object is called; threads are generated based on the length of the y axis; each thread downloads its respectful row and stores it into a Tile IO array with its respectful axis position.

A big benefit of using multi-threading is time. If downloading a panorama with a lower zoom level difference isn't that much, but within my own testings downloading larger zoom levels take huge amounts of seconds (45s w/o multithreading -> 5s w/ multithreading).

Once the downloading process is complete, all rows get stitched separately then all columns are merged into one single image.


After obtaining the metadata & building the array of Tile URLs sv-dlp will take charge of the post-process, such as downloading or returning the data. If you want to add/change something in the post-process, feel free to check out