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Command Line Interface User Guide for sv-dlp

Table of Contents

  1. Installation Guidelines
  2. Introduction to Basics
    1. Procedure for Downloading
    2. Overview of Common Flags
    3. Accessing Metadata
  3. List of Supported Services
  4. Detailed Command and Flag Descriptions

Installation Guidelines

To begin the installation of sv-dlp, users with Python version 3.10 or higher should utilize PIP. Execute the command pip install sv-dlp for a standard installation.

Alternatively, binaries are available on the release page. Ensure these binaries are properly added to your system's PATH for optimal functionality.

Introduction to Basics

sv-dlp processes arguments in multiple forms. A typical command structure is illustrated below:

sv-dlp [INPUT] [FLAGS]

The INPUT parameter accepts formats such as Panorama ID, Latitude and Longitude coordinates, or a direct URL. - The URL input automatically retrieves the Panorama ID if supported by the service. - Flags modify the behavior of sv-dlp (CLI) and are elaborated in detail here.
- Notable flags include --service, defaulting to Google, and --zoom, with a default setting at half of the maximum zoom level. For instance: bash sv-dlp 55.76550473786485, 37.54340745542864 --zoom max --service yandex

Procedure for Downloading

To download a single panorama using coordinates, use the following command:

sv-dlp 37.42117099015278, -122.1016675677581

For downloading using a Panorama ID:

sv-dlp 48m9bhFEpHnA3axVSyT22w

For URLs:


To download individual tiles:

$ sv-dlp "YV7i9WYmvPqT5nEtFLq3SA" --save-tiles

Overview of Common Flags

To specify the zoom level, append the --zoom flag after the input. This flag accepts both integer values and certain keywords (max being the only one supported):

sv-dlp 37.42117099015278, -122.1016675677581 --zoom max

To utilize a different Street View service, the --service flag should be set as follows:

sv-dlp 37.77499382574212, -122.47185699855395 --service apple

Accessing Metadata

sv-dlp is capable of outputting comprehensive metadata in a structured format specific to sv-dlp. To retrieve metadata:

sv-dlp 48m9bhFEpHnA3axVSyT22w --get-metadata

Note: Activating the metadata flag halts the panorama downloading process. Use this function at your own discretion when looking to extract panoramic images.

List of Supported Services

Service Progress Notes
Google 99% Zoom 5 only obtains a portion of the face.
Baidu 99% Translation between BD09MC and WGS84 is innacurate.
Naver 99% Short Link function does not use its appropiate API call.
Yandex 99% Short Link function does not use the shortenPath API call.
Apple 95% Misc features not supported; can only obtain metadata by coords - credit to sk-zk & retroplasma
Bing 95% Misc features not implemented; can only obtain metadata by coords - credit to sk-zk

Commands & Flags

Commands | Flags Default Usage
download True Downloads Panorama
download-from-file Downloads each Panorama ID/Coordinate from a .json or .csv file
--get-metadata Prints out Metadata using sv-dlp's MD structure
--short-link \| -l Translates Input to Shortened URL
--service \| -s google Sets Service to scrape from
--zoom \| -z half Sets Zoom level
--radius \| -r 500 Sets Radius Level when INPUT is Coordinate
--no-crop False Do not crop Blank Area on Panorama and leave it as it is
--save-tiles False Saves Tiles to current folder
--output \| -r Pano ID
--linked-panos False Sets if Linked Panos should appear on Metadata or not
--heading Sets Heading Level for shortening panorama to URL
--pitch Sets Pitch Level for shortening panorama to URL